Wednesday, December 31, 2014

From A Golfer in Heaven

Life runs its course and can be rough
But take a swing, stand tall, be tough
When things don't quite seem up to par
Remember, I am never far

(^For loved ones from the perspective of a golfer who has passed.)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The History of Women's Right

The rights we have as womankind,
Bestowed on us by the divine,
We were not always free to use
As equality was refused

Augusta, Emperor of Rome,
Caused us this trespass from his throne
Leaving books out as he composed
The bible in the way he chose

Because some stories went untold-
Women's praises he did withhold-
This caused men to treat us with spite,
Resenting us, taking our rights

No longer could we share our voice
No longer did we have a choice
No hope we might one day ascend
To heaven when our life would end

Heaven, like many other things,
Became a distant, lost blessing
We couldn't have. We couldn't hope.
We had to stay strong, wait, and cope.

Finally a new age would begin:
The Industrial Revolution
Priorities then rearranged
And things slowly began to change

Men sailed the seas for wealth and gold,
Finding treasures yet unforetold
Returning home to buy and spend
Until it all came to an end

Soon there was nothing left to buy
The stores and markets all ran dry
Men had to go to work to make
What they could for their families' sake

They worked hard each and every day
Quitting church was the only way
Sundays ceased to be days of rest
Putting religion to the test

It changed the way the Christians thought
And the values for which they fought
Congregations now had new views
As chiefly women filled the pews

Now in church women had a voice
And for this feat they did rejoice
Long overdue, their first appeal
Was for a Jesus that could feel

A kinder Jesus, filled with love
Guided by passion from above
Hopeful, patient eternally
With a want to set women free

For at the time, women were still
Subjected to their husbands' will
It was their place to fall in line
In their culture, they were confined

To lead the home was still the task
Assigned to men from ages passed
Women and children had to trust
These men to be both good and just

The fate of family rested on
Men's perception of right and wrong
For generations, this would stand
Men would retain the upper hand

But slowly women fought their way
Back into God's plan day by day
Now after these 12,000 years
Sexism's almost disappeared

Breaking restraints, tearing down walls,
Women are back and standing tall
Living for God each day from birth
Til heaven claims them from this Earth

(Obviously, this is a completely fictional piece and is, to say the least, pretty..out there. I wrote it per request and instruction of someone with very odd, specific ideas she wanted me to capture. Since I'm not sure what else this is now good for, I hope that it can at least bring entertainment value to the table for anyone unfortunate enough to stumble across it. :p Enjoy!)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Divine Duty

Four score, eight decades, eighty years
Makes up the time I have spent here
Living on Earth, faithful and true
Worshiping the same God you do
In my time, God has rearranged
So many times, his plan he's changed
He molds his plan to suit us best
And sets us free to do the rest
He talks to me and shares his plan
And I take in all that I can
With it, I paint a portrait to
Share His words with each one of you
It scares and overwhelms my soul
But I'm empowered by my role
I'm blessed that God has chosen me
To document his great decree
To talk to him and heed his words-
His answers we must all observe
My gift from God, I'll cherish til
My years are up and work fulfilled
And even then I'll leave behind
The things I've learned of the divine
To help us learn and grow and see
What God wants each of us to be.

(^Not something I actually believe. This is another piece written for someone else per request and based on a description of what exactly they wanted. Thanks for reading!)

Thursday, October 9, 2014


You've made it through the tougher times, inspiring those in need
Always seeing the best in things, fighting hard to succeed

You don't let struggles hold you back or life get in your way
I admire you so much for that-much more than words can say

You always stay so positive, so tough and yet so sweet
Your love for life and happiness spreading to those you meet

You make the world a greater place. Your friends would all agree
Everywhere you go you are what people strive to be

My closest and best friend, you are an angel through and through
I'm so happy and grateful for the times I spend with you

I'm proud of you, excited by all that you've accomplished
Reaching your goals and dreams and doing just the things you wished

So congrats on your newfound fame and best of luck to you
I hope you'll have endless success throughout your future too!

(quick poem, same as the "My Friend" poem I just wrote but with a couple of extra lines per request.)

My Friend

You've made it through the tougher times, inspiring those in need
Always seeing the best in things, fighting hard to succeed

You don't let struggles hold you back or life get in your way
I admire you so much for that-much more than words can say

You always stay so positive, so tough and yet so sweet
Your love for life and happiness spreading to those you meet

You make the world a greater place. Your friends would all agree
Everywhere you go you are what people strive to be

My closest and best friend, you are an angel through and through
I'm so happy and grateful for the times I spend with you

(short, quick poem written for someone upon request.)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Our Mother God

Our mother God, loving and strong,
All powerful and in control
She dictated and it was so
That every creature had a soul

In humans, she took special care
Giving a gift to never fade
With souls to pass down through offspring
In her own likeness we were made

Our souls would live eternally
Through children to which we gave birth
Whose duty it then became to
Help form and shape this planet Earth

God created a great ice mass-
A glacier to keep humans there
For 50,000 years they lived
Proving their worth as God's soul heirs

Charged with the task to create soul,
These ancestors performed God's will
No longer part of nature, they
Lived on their own, spreading goodwill

With God, a covenant was made
To give humans another task:
To care for souls of all creatures
In her kingdom, so lush and vast

God saw that this was good and she
Gave her blessings to all mankind
Then ruling that females would
Dominate men, body and mind

So women ruled, though lovingly,
Men's covenant given to them
With love and understanding that
Made our great Earth this treasured gem

These ancestors of all of us
Were the first to fulfill God's plan
It was such a beautiful start,
The way that human life began

Sadly, not all humans survived
There were three groups originally
But two left their area and
Died off, leaving just one of three

The last group did the will of God
And they survived through faith and prayer
Watching the souls of all that lived,
Doing their tasks with love and care

The women of their time were strong
Admirable in every way
Those were our famed ancestors and
They made Earth what it is today

(Okay, this poem makes ABSOLUTELY no sense and is both sexist and completely insane but it was written to the very precise, very strange specifications of someone who paid me to do it so bear with me. Lol)

Saturday, October 4, 2014


People often recognize us for the work we do

Usually they're grateful and they look up to us too

We feel a sense of purpose when we read letters they send

Thanking us for doing jobs they don't quite comprehend

They read about our lifestyle and the dangers of our work

But they don't always know how our job can drive us berserk

We don't all feel like heroes, especially not every day

When we feel like we've failed it doesn't just go away

We do a lot of good and we work hard while saving lives

Yet often we're haunted by thoughts of those who DON'T survive

Sometimes we lose our lives or get burned while fighting the flames

And yet the worst pain we know is likely that of self-blame

We win some fights and lose some but the stakes can be so high

It's not easy to lose when it means good people might die

More frightening than the fire is the wreckage left behind

But that's why we keep fighting, keeping our purpose in mind

(Written in about 30 minutes for someone by request.)